Monday, April 6, 2009

The Long Awaited Blog Post of Death =)

Note: If you ever plan on watching some Shyamalan films I reveal some minor details so be aware.

It really has been ages since I last actually posted and I apologize. I posted an almost 1000 word post the first time in which I was surprised anyone actually fully read it let alone commented, so it was greatly appreciated. I never actually clarified my Baldari comment from my first ever post so in case anyone was offended, I actually enjoyed her U.S. class very much. I was one of the kids advocating her NHS honoring at the ceremony last year so please do not misinterpret my badly placed sarcasm for angst against her. I had just wished I had taken AP US junior year was my sentiments on the issue since I enjoyed Bennett’s class so much. She will actually be me substitute for AP government also so a reunion will occur. Anyway for this post it holds very personal meaning because I am discussing something I never talk about at all. As well as that topic to talk about, I will discuss my feelings on the film and Shyamalan’s other works I have seen as well as some very personal experiences.
M. Night Shyamalan has been an up and down director for me. The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and Signs, as I have seen now, were in my opinion films I very much enjoyed. The problem I think with Night is that he was labeled a horror film director but I believe his films stretch a lot further. Of his films, the only one I have not seen was The Happening which I have heard was generally terrible. With The Sixth Sense he proved he can make a chilling film with the ultimate twist and it was a film I enjoyed. Unbreakable I thought was quite possibly his best work and the story and the characters of Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson were magnificent. The twist at the end is something you are going to love just as much as the Sixth Sense’s. The Village got negative reviews because from the get go everyone expected a scary movie with a crazy twist and when he delivered a totally different aspect of society, people automatically threw out this film. It’s not as bad as people think from my opinion. As for Lady in The Water this story had more along the lines to do with fate and how everyone has a destiny to fulfill in the grand scheme of things. This wasn’t as good as any of the three films I liked (Sixth Sense, Signs, & Unbreakable) but it had its moments.
Now it’s funny as I watched Signs because one of my favorite shows of Supernatural actually referenced Shyamalan. In Lady In the Water Shyamalan ends up being a revolutionary writer who changes the world in the grand scheme of things and so in Supernatural when a guy finds out he is a prophet he said “that’s on the level of M. Night Shyamalan doucheyness.” I had to laugh at that just because of the irony of the fact on that very day we started watching Signs and I recognized the reference. Also ironically in the show 24 I watch on Mondays, the female President of the U.S. is played by the police officer who tells Mel Gibson of his wife’s accident. Coincidence or sign I don’t know. (Pun intended)
I was very skeptical of the film Signs before seeing it. The plot seemed empty and the actors of Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix are insane today. Mel Gibson is now an enemy of the all-powerful Jews and Joaquin Phoenix a doppelganger of his former self with a Santa beard and catatonic attitude. However I thought the performances were spot on. Mel Gibson I thought was giving a great performance in the movie. He plays the now robotic and pessimistic pastor who lost all faith when his wife dies in a horrific accident caused by a tired doctor. Joaquin Phoenix plays the brother of Mel Gibson who still maintains his faith in his brother even though he has lost faith in the entire world. It was nice to see Phoenix was at one point a semi-functional person. His comedy as well as the daughter’s cuteness I think offsets the harsh realties that the movie discusses and the actual scary scenes.
The scenes that struck me the most were the dinner scenes and the couch scene. The dinner scene had me basically in tears. I am a fountains guy when it comes to sad movies/scenes so watching that was tough. Dealing with the loss of a loved one is something that’s words can’t describe. When Mel Gibson tries to make the kids deal with a situation in hand of complete chaos and disregard his faith all together it really hit me deeply in which I will explain more. As Mr. Bennett said there are things in this world we cannot control and the grief in that scene and the emotions were heartfelt. The couch scene I think strikes the main message of the film. Certain events or coincidences do they exist or are they signs. When Graham (Gibson) and Merril (Phoenix) discuss the two categories of people who see signs and symbols and when Merril affirms his faith in his brother I thought that was the beginning of the turnaround for Graham. Just when I thought it would be too serious, the line about having faith when the girl he was going to make out with pukes away from his mouth makes me laugh to this day.
I really liked Shyamalan’s transitions from Graham’s memory of the accident to present time. I thought it brought about suspense and added to the eerie feel the movie portaryed. Technical wise the film was very enjoyable. The symbolisms of the aliens I thought were very deep as well as I saw them as an impurity in oneself that you can cleanse if it’s allowed in. Also the fact Shyamalan questions whether coincidences exist or are they signs I thought was very philosophical. Being a religious person myself I ask that question constantly. In the end I find it a constant paradox that is up to eyes of the beholder.
As I approach my thousandth word I will finally talk about my experiences and why it was so hard to watch this film personally. By all means it was a very good film in my opinion. Deeper films I enjoy very much and I related to Graham very much. The past two years have been the most difficult in my entire life. I had lost many close family members and I had a surgery for a shoulder problem that literally almost killed me from the complications and screw ups in that hospital. I was in that hospital for a week when it should’ve been hours tied down to a bed with no sleep. The road to recovery and the pain I faced was beyond words and it made me lose my faith in everything from my Christian beliefs to people. There were not many days that I didn’t cry about the events that took place. So I understood what Mr. Bennett talked about when he said he had knee problems asking his doc to cut off his knee. The pain in my arms used to make me black out after I popped it out over 40 times and I wish I had cut off my right arm at times. Yet as Manny said in Runaway Train, “Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” It was words like that and the strength of family and friends that kept me going. And the faith I almost lost came back stronger. I remember how we talked about the list of something that would make you life better and I think not having this happen would be mine. Just talking about Death with Seventh Seal and the lack of respite it provides as well as Signs made it hard to watch. It made me go back to this summer and its nightmares so it was quite difficult to hold back some tears watching the films. Yet I think it was more of a sign that you know what I passed a test of willpower. I enjoy my profile picture a lot because after my surgery I was a stick and beyond sick. Almost 9 months of therapy and countless hospital visits and I look pretty good I must say. The pic was courtesy of your AP student Nicole Lennon.
Now I apologize officially to Mr. Bennett that I have not posted more. Going to Texas threw me off completely and although I read constantly people’s blogs on movies and commented, I never posted and that is completely my fault no excuse. I felt like a jerk for doing that and I do not think you are a carpet Mr. Bennett. Right after I came back from Texas, it happened to be my luck that my Blackberry gets stolen which had memories of the past year and photos of lost family that I can never replace. Losing that made me so angry and if I found out who did it I’m going to bash the kid’s face in so deep it will become a black hole. So I understood your feelings after losing 3 years worth of work. However I have found my blog posting ways have returned. It may not be possible to get a 100 now in your class as some people like Jimmy and Nick deserve, but since I never made a New Year’s resolution, I have decided mine will be make more blog posts. If you have successfully read my 1600 word post and not died or aged exponentially, I thank and congratulate you. As some might say, you would have “balls.”