Friday, March 13, 2009

Midnight Cowboy Secret Revealed & Shiran Missed Out!

Mr. Bennett the secret you revealed today was truly unbelievable! Words could not express how insane yet wonderful the secret in the film was. We understand so much from the dialogue and characters from the movie but when the secret was told it was utterly mind-blowing. In fact the secret was so immensely amazing I and everyone in the class can die happy. In fact if there were a list of people who heard the secret and were dumbfounded yet satisfied, it would include everyone but Shiran. As Joe Buck would say about this special list: "It don't say nothing about you." Moral of the story: Don't ever leave Bennett's class when there are possible secrets you can miss. Better luck next time for now the secret is forever unknown to you


  1. Shiran the sorrow you must be feeling can truly not be empathized with. The secret is literally indescribable.

  2. This secret really was something. At first, I had my doubts about this film. It ended and I just didn't understand what just happened. But now, it is all cleared up and I cannot believe I didn't see it! It is so obvious yet so subtle at the same time. I'm kicking myself for not having seen it the first time around.

  3. First off, I must thank Mr Bennett so greatly for revealing this secret to us. When I heard the secret it just blew my mind. Literally. I am still trying to put my brain back together.

  4. Thank you, fella's, for the kind words. It's true though. Rarely does a work of art so successfully hide its secret in plain site the way M.C. does. It is true as well that Shiran left at the most inopportune moment. Well, she's gonna need more than one lesson, and she's...

  5. Wow. There's definitely no secret and everyone's just screwing with me. Thanks guys!

  6. That would be preposterous. Mr. Bennett's secret was truly something to behold. I was simply amazed. Sarcasm is truly not part of my being. Midnight Cowboy is not your typical film and much is lost or not understood fully. The secret unveiled many new things. You were just in the wrong place at the right time

  7. Sorry I haven't been on the blog for a couple days. I was at a track meet, but I'm glad that Arun made this post because the secret was awesome. I spent quite a while talking to my track coach about it since he had seen Midnight Cowboy when he was younger, and he would have never seen such a secret if I didn't tell him, and we of course would not have if it weren't for Mr. Bennett. He thought it opened his eyes better to the film, and we a 40 minute discussion on the film ensued. Awesome secret Mr. Bennett!

  8. And Arun, you still haven't sent me the Trix Rabbit poems!


  9. Hey Arun, aren't you taking the "secret" metaphor a bit too far. After all, it appears as if you are keeping your posts secret. Will you let a full month go by without writing a single word?

  10. I apologize Mr.Bennett for the delays I have made a very long post to make up for the problem. More will ensue I assure you
